Hi, I'm Isabelle!

I study Symbolic Systems & Human-Computer Interaction at Stanford. I believe in the power of narrative to shape companies and technological futures.


I’m organizing Stories for the Future, a summit bringing AI researchers and filmmakers together to craft new depictions of AI. What happens when master storytellers and technical experts collaborate to envision expansive AI futures? I run Embeddings, an interview series exploring how generative AI is shaping the way we create and consume culture, and am currently developing the next season.


In the past, I worked on women’s health as a product intern at Evvy, co-led a working group at Stanford’s Institute for Human-Centered AI on AI and creativity, researched AI ethics at Center for Research on Foundation Models with Rob Reich and Katie Creel, did R&D at Irony Point, and made a short documentary about minimalism in Gen Z that premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival.

I’m a former Mayfield Fellow and recipient of Stanford HAI’s 2023 Seed Grant.

On my mind

Designing generative AI systems to positively augment human creativity, stories as a means for change, experience design, and the importance of awe.